
The end of the book

On Monday on my way to sport I finished reading “Looking for Alaska”. I had been so lost in the story that I almost missed my stop. The pages 191 until the end are very exciting and I enjoyed reading them. I have already assumed that the death of Alaska has to be concerned with her mother and in the end I was right.
I really had to laugh when I detected what kind of prank Miles, the Colonel, Takumi and Lara wanted to play on Speaker Day. But I think Alaska would have had a ball in succession to the show of Maxx and that the Eagle had to laugh too. I was pleased that the reader doesn’t get to know if Alaska’s death was an accident or a suicide. Because of that the reader has got the chance to think about her life and to form an opinion about her death.
However what I haven’t expected is the letter of Takumi. I am able to understand his situation and why he hasn’t said that he met Alaska the night before she died earlier but what I can’t understand is his anxiety. He should have talked to Miles and the Colonel personally and not like he did it write a letter and disappear for a few months. I can’t grasp his behaviour.
All in all I really liked reading “Looking for Alaska” although the second part of the book had been a little bit to long on a few passages.

Three phrases which I really liked:

p. 195 l. 16 – p. 196 l.12: “Everything that comes together falls apart,” the Old Man said. “Everything. The chair I’m sitting on. It was built, and so it will fall apart. I’m gonna fall apart, probably before this chair. And you’re gonna fall apart. The cells and organs and systems that make you you – they came together, grew together and so must fall apart. The Buddha knew one thing science didn’t prove for millennia after his death: Entropy increases. Things fall apart.”
And maybe that was the only answer we’d ever have. She fell apart because that’s what happens.

p. 217 ll. 19 – 21: But the not-knowing would not keep me from caring, and I would always love Alaska Young, my crooked neighbour, with all my crooked heart.

p. 219 ll. 25 – 28: So I know she forgives me, just as I forgive her. Thomas Edison’s last words were:” It’s very beautiful over there.” I don’t know where there is, but I believe it’s somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful. 
By Steffi


List of feelings the characters have

positive feelings are blue
negative feelings are red


Situation in the book feeling noun verb adjective

p. 8 Miles sits on the sofa humiliated humiliation to humiliate so. humiliated
with his parents and nobody depressed depressiveness to depress depressed
is coming for his going-away-

party apart from Marie, Will

p. 29 Miles has his terrible faint enervation to faint faint
encounter with Kevin and

his friends

p. 43 Mr. Hyde catches Miles qualmish indisposition to feel queasy qualmish
because he is not listening

p. 52 The Colonel sabotages strong strongness to strenghten strong
the basketball

p. 58 Miles has to pay for unresistant unresistantness to do not resist unresistant
the Colonel cigarettes

p. 61 A., t.C., T. and M. get guilty guilt to be at fault guilty
punishment for smoking

p. 66 Alaska is very happy amorous amorousness to fall in love amorous
that Jake is there

p. 79 Alaska lies in Miles excited excitation to excite so./sth. excited

p. 83 Miles feels lonely, sad alone loneliness   lonely
because his parents booked sad sadness
a trip to England right after

Miles told them that he didn't

come home over thanksgiving

p. 96 thanksgiving meal at glad gladness   glad
the Colonels house

p. 99 Alaska tells Miles that confused confusion to be disarranged confused
he is loving only one part

of her

p. 104 Takumi and Miles are  panic panic to be freaked out panic
afraid that the Eagle could

get their lie

p. 106 discussion about nervous flurry   nervous
the prank

p. 112 the prank worked successful luckiness   lucky
p. 122 all of them don't know helpless helplessness
what to say to Alaska's worst


p. 125 Miles is kissing with happy contentedness   content
Lara/ the best day of his life

p. 126 Alaska is deeply  distressed distress   distressed

p. 134 Alaska needs the help loyal loyalty to trust so. loyal
of Miles and the Colonel    By Steffi    


Letter to family Halter

Family Halter
16th Way
Pinellas, Palm Harbor
34683 Florida

December 3rd 2005
Dear Mum & Dad

How are you both? I’m quite relaxed because I had some days off. Thanksgiving was different but really interesting. We had been only a few students hear and Alaska (Mum you know I told you about her) and I had a lot of fun.
How was your trip to England to this little castle? Did you have good weather and good food on thanksgiving?
My roommate Chip dumbfounded Alaska and me. He invited us to meet her mother and him over thanksgiving, to have a thanksgiving meal with them. We had moist white meat, corn, green beans, biscuits with gravy, pumpkin pie for dessert and a glass of red wine for each of us. It had been a really good thanksgiving meal and I loved the pumpkin pie.

I will tell you more when I’m at home over Christmas. I’m looking forward to see you on the 21st but maybe I have to stay until the 23rd. I will call you soon to give you my travel data.

    Miles  XxX
By Steffi